Ear Candling 2019-03-05T23:41:07+00:00

Ear Candling

What is ear candling?

Ear candling is sometimes referred to as ear coning. The process of ear candling uses a special hollow, cone-like, approximately 9 to 12-inch long candle, in a non-invasive soothing and relaxing practice. Many who use it do so in an attempt to pull ear wax and debris out of the ear canal as the candle burns and warmth fills the ear to loosen wax and debris. Remember ear candling does not pull ear wax out of your ears.  Always refer to an ENT doctor to remove excess ear wax from your ears.  Some tout benefits that include alleviating swimmers ear, lessening the severity of and helping to soothe the pain of ear infections, plugged ears, relieving the ringing in the ears of tinnitus, sinus pressure, headaches, itchy ears, as well as removing excess wax build up. Others use it for the soothing and ultimate relaxation experience brought on from the warmth and sounds it creates. Ear candles are typically about 1-inch in diameter and made of muslin dipped in beeswax.

How Does It Work?

As the ear candle burns, the ear canal is filled with warmth and smoke as the cone-shaped candle creates a vortex while smoke pours into the ear.  When done well with a quality candle, the tip of the cone in the ear does not get too hot to touch.

At very least, this warmth is soothing and very relaxing. At best, when done properly, it may help achieve relaxation necessary to release blocked energy and provide relief for some ear ailments such as ear aches, sinus infections and pressure. It may even help relieve pressure points of tension, to help with headaches and migraines.

Ear candling is commonly misunderstood and disregarded by mainstream, medical professionals. However, those who claim it works understand the benefits. Whether you have a testimony of your own to claim what an ear candle did for you or you are needing to relax and recharge, listen to what the experts have to say.

What The Experts Have To Say

A German Study conducted For instance, Dr. James R. Mally, a licensed naturopathic doctor from California, reported that a positive effect of ear candling is that middle ear infections respond quickly to ear candling, which he suspects is because of the vacuum and smoke that kills aerobic bacteria. Furthermore, in another German Study conducted by Dr. Schellenberg, it was observed that ear candling triggers energy centers of the brain to transition the sympathetic fight or flight response to a parasympathetic state of relaxed wakefulness.

Just like the cold air in a room doesn’t go anywhere but merely changes when you heat a fire, your ear canal and entire lymphatic other other systems in your body react to the energy that comes from ear candling. Belgium medical doctor, Patrick Quanten explains that the process is more about changing and directing energy than it is about merely pulling or funneling wax out of an ear canal. It’s about re-energizing and relaxing while the smoke and the fire produce heat and warmth of energy, dryness which removes moisture, and lightness, which makes things less heavy. In regards to how the energy that an ear candle produces, you may discover you are less congested with less mucus, your immunity is boosted, and your circulation increases, leaving you feeling lighter, or less depressed.

What you need:

1 pair of ear candles – A partner or professional to help (never do it alone) – scissors – a small paper plate or other item that will catch the hot drips of the wax – bowl of water – small towel


Start with one treatment daily for up to 7 days, followed by maintenance sessions every 3 to 4 weeks. The best time to do ear candling is just before bed to allow for complete relaxation. Set the mood by first dimming the lights or otherwise illuminating with soft lighting, make the room quiet and draft-free.

Lie down on one side, making sure your head is supported on a pillow or rolled up towel. The idea it to get comfortable. Use a towel to cover your hair and neck.

Light the candle at the unlabeled end, and then carefully place the non-burning end into the entry to ear passage. Gently twist the ear candle until it is sealed into place. You will know you have it properly positioned when, after it is lit, you will hear crackling and hissing coming from the flame. The warmth will soothe the ear canal.

Close your eyes and relax your face, neck and shoulder muscles. It is important for you or someone helping you should hold the ear candle gently in place throughout the entire process. As the candle burns down, have your helper closely monitor the flame and the ash. When the ash burns down, have your helper cut the ash off with the scissors. Ear candles do not self extinguish. Once the flame reaches the stop line, carefully remove it and extinguish in the bowl of water.

Turn, and do the same on the other ear. After both ears are done, rest for at least 15 minutes.


Many people turn to alternative or natural treatments because they tend to have no or less side effects or dangers than traditional medicine. When it comes to ear candling, not every ear candle is the same. When you begin to look for an ear candle to use, you will find that there are a lot of choices.

  1. There are machine-made candles and handcrafted ones.
  2. Always go with the handmade one. When you choose an ear candle made by an individual, not only will you be assured of the materials the ear candle is made of, but you will also be supporting those who believe in natural and alternative options.
  3. Find out how much cloth was used for making the candle, because the more cloth used, the sturdier and longer the ear candle will burn.
  4. Ask if the cotton used is certified organic and free of genetic modification, GMOs.
  5. Look to see if the candle is marked for how far to burn it down before extinguishing, this is called a buntline.
  6. Finally, look to see if the candle has a safety tip inside to keep the hot wax from dripping through the candle and burning you.

Since fire is involved, make sure there is adult supervision, preferably a professional ear candler therapist, at all times. Always use caution with fire. A protective towel, and a paper plate or some other item to catch the drips, must be used to protect your hair and face from the flame and the wax drippings.

Dr. James R. Mally 1996 Report –


Schellenberg German Study –


Dr. Patrick Quanten –


Schedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation to learn more!